Join us for a social gathering for you and baby. Together we will learn what is expected of a baby at each developmental stage and we'll discuss your baby's sleep potential. The workshops consist of 5 interactive sessions of 1one hour once a week that include cognitive and motor development.

Many times we face difficulties during the first months of our little ones' lives. Lots of uncertainty and lack of ways to deal with situations like excessive cry, poor sleep, gas and colic and many more. We find ourselves trying to ease and calm down, trying to make the right choice for us and for them, our babies, and may reach a situation where we are at a loss, we have tried everything, we are exhausted or discouraged and need some help
With us, during the workshops, you will receive a toolbox full of practical knowledge that you can also apply at home so you can grow your little bundle of joy with parental confidence. I will help you get to know and understand the abundance of information and accessories on the market so that you can choose from the large selection what is right for you and your baby.
In our sessions we will learn how to observe our baby and recognize his movement pattern, so we can create for him an accurate response so he can maximize his motor abilities. We will learn how to promote quality motor development while playing and having fun at home and in changing environments. Because when we know what to do we are also confident in ourselves and our parenting abilities

If you are experiencing difficulty or just looking for a fulfilling social gathering, this is the place for you. And the good news is, you are not alone! Along with you there are many mothers who are in the exact same situation. In each workshop, a WhatsApp group is opened where we can share experiences, photos, exercises and meetings outside the framework of the workshop. We can meet friends and make new connections in our community.