Frequently asked questions
How many participants are there in each workshop?
Will I get personal attention?
Definitely yes! The workshops with us are intimate in a group of 4-5 mothers including their babies. I approach to each mother during the practice and specify the way in which to perform the exercise. If necessary, I explain and corrects and corrects the response, and this is to be sure that the knowledge you received has been assimilated and you are able to continue the practice by yourself at home.
Is it possible to arrive with an escort?
Of course, there is a possibility to come with a spouse, girlfriend, grandmother, nanny.​
Where are the courses held?
The workshops are held at my house in a space that is equipped and dedicated for babies. The equipment and activity surfaces are cleaned and sanitized in between classes in order to maintain maximum hygiene for you and your little ones.
How many participants are there in each workshop?
Will I get personal attention?
Definitely yes! The workshops with us are intimate in a group of 4-5 mothers including their babies. I approach to each mother during the practice and specify the way in which to perform the exercise. If necessary, I explain and corrects and corrects the response, and this is to be sure that the knowledge you received has been assimilated and you are able to continue the practice by yourself at home.
Are the courses held with the babies?
Of course! The course is Developmental and sleep support for babies. The goal in this course is to arrive together with the babies in order to learn to observe them and identify their needs in order to provide them with an appropriate response. During the lessons we will use practical tools and apply exercises and methods together with the babies in order to reach the maximum of our capabilities and theirs.
What do I do if my baby sleeps or eats during class?
Eating, sleeping or crying are all aspects that are studied during the lessons. It is indeed legitimate that your baby will not be entirely available for learning exactly when you arrive at the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is also to get tools and learn how to apply them at home in your own free time. In our workshop space there are tools that you can use to help your baby if he cries, so that you will be available for learning. If necessary, we can make up the specific practice you missed in a subsequent lesson.
What is the way of communication between us?
A WhatsApp group will be opened for each group of mothers of the workshop. Using that we can share experiences and photos from the workshop. From time to time I will answer your questions and you will advise according to your needs. The group is intended for you mothers, so that you can, if you want to keep in touch and create a small community of your own.
What happens if I want to stop during the course?
After the opening of the workshop, cancellation will not be possible. We can convert the registration to another course that will be opened later. It will not be possible to cancel registration 24 hours before the beginning of the course.